As of July 1, 2018, the mandated years for health exams and screenings have changed. Specifically, the following changes have been enacted:
Mandated Physical Exams
New York State law requires parents or guardians to furnish a certificate of physical examination within 30 days of entrance for all new students, and for students in grades Pre K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, and for those students participating in sports, requiring special education services, or seeking work permits.
A physical exam is valid for 12 months through the last day of the month in which the exam was conducted and is valid for an entire school year for new entrants and mandated exams as well as the entire sport season for interscholastic sports even if the exam expires during those time frames.
Mandated Screenings
The New York State Education Department requires certain screening exams on some ages or grades of children as listed below. The New York State Department of Health (DOH) also requires that your private healthcare provider reports and that the school district collects information on your child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Status Category (WSC). You may fulfill these legal obligations by having your private physician conduct the screening exams privately. If you do not wish to have screenings conducted in school, you need to notify the school nurse not to do the examinations and present your private certificates prior to the school screening dates.
Parents should plan to have physical exams coincide with the new required grade levels. A new form is also required. Please see link below.