All meetings begin at 6:30 pm at Penfield High School. There are no action items (votes) or public comment at workshop meetings. To request an American Sign Language Interpreter, please email District Clerk Lynn Scott at at least 14 days in advance of the BOE meeting. Board meetings are also livestreamed through Penfield TV.
July 9 - Organizational & Regular
August 13
September 3
September 17 – Workshop
October 1
October 22 – Workshop (Please note this meeting has been rescheduled for Oct. 23)
November 5
Nobember 19 – Workshop
December 10
January 14
January 28 – Workshop
February 11
March 4 and 18 – Both Meetings are canceled
April 8
April 22
May 6 - Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting
May 20 - Budget Vote & Board Election
May 27
June 10
Persons wishing to address the Board during the public comment period of a regular board meeting must email District Clerk Lynn Scott at Individuals are requested to provide their name, address, phone number, and a brief statement identifying the topic they wish to speak on. Registration for public comment will open at 8 am on the Friday before the board meeting and remain open until 1 pm on the Tuesday of the board meeting. If the regular board meeting is held on a different day of the week, the registration period will begin on the day the meeting agenda is released and conclude at 1 pm on the day of the meeting.
Speakers must limit their public comments to no more than 3 minutes. A total of 30 minutes may be allotted for public comment. In the event that that there are more individuals requesting to speak during public comment than the allotted time, the District Clerk will have the discretion to select speakers using a random selection process. The District Clerk will inform all recognized speakers by 4 pm on the day of the meeting.
Individuals scheduled to speak during public comment will first be recognized by the school board president. Once recognized, the person shall proceed to the designated table and identify their name, name of organization represented (if any), and a brief description of the topic to be addressed.
The Board is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment and prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, military status, disability, or other legally protected category. These actions and occurrences are prohibited regardless of whether they take place on District premises or at school-sponsored events, programs, or activities held at other locations. (See Policy 6123)
Individuals who choose to participate in the public comment period should note that they agree to and are bound by the terms outlined in this policy and must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the district code of conduct. Should individuals act in a manner inconsistent with district protocols, this policy, and/or the code of conduct, they may lose the privilege of the floor at the meeting and at future meetings.
During public comment, speakers may comment on matters related to district educational programs, business, and operations. Comments related to specific personnel or students are not permitted during public comment, this includes the use of personnel and student names, or identifiable information such as job titles, grade levels, schools. etc. In order to protect individual rights, comments that are personal in nature should be brought to the attention of the Board President and/or Superintendent privately or in writing.
To protect the rights of individuals and for the Board to conduct its business efficiently, it is imperative that each speaker conducts themselves in a civil manner. Libelous or slanderous statements, obscene language, threats of violence, statements advocating racial, religious, or other forms of prejudice will not be tolerated. Statements that would tend to incite a breach of peace will not be tolerated.
Members of the public observing the Board meeting are required to be respectful of each speaker and the Board. Individuals who cause a disruption to the Board meeting will be asked to leave.
Generally, the Board does not respond to items presented by or questions raised by speakers during public comment. The Superintendent or Board President may provide a response in writing where it is warranted. The Superintendent or Board President may determine the need to correct inaccurate and/or misinformation that is shared during public comment.
The President shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting and shall rule on such matters as the time to be allowed for public comment and the appropriateness of the subject being presented. The President shall have the right to discontinue any public comment which violates this policy.