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Homeless Student Liaison

The Penfield Central School District recognizes the unique challenges that face youth placed in foster care and/or are homeless. We will provide these students with access to the same free, appropriate public education as other children and youth, as well as access to educational and other services necessary to be successful in school, and will ensure that they are not separated from the mainstream school environment.

The District has designated the Assistant Superintendent for Equity and Access, Dr. Tasha Potter, as the Foster Care and McKinney - Vento Liaison. If you have any questions regarding services for students in foster care or should your family be experiencing uncertain or loss of housing due to eviction, economic hardship, family tragedy or other reasons, please contact Dr. Potter:

Dr. Tasha Potter
Assistant Superintendent for Equity & Access
Penfield CSD
P.O. Box 900
Penfield, NY 14526
P - (585) 249-5770
F - (585) 248-8412