District Announces Safety & Security Changes

The District has announced changes that will impact the safety and security infrastructure of our schools and future Board of Education meetings, given the unfortunate local and national attention that our District has received. These changes include the following:
At the March 11th Special Board of Education meeting, the Board approved 1510.1 Bylaw: Board of Education Meetings – Public Comment at Board Meetings and several changes to its public speaking procedures. These changes will begin with the April 8, 2025 BOE meeting and include the following:
- Those wishing to speak must register by emailing the District Clerk between 8 a.m. on the Friday before a regular board meeting until 1 p.m. on the Monday before said board meeting.
- During public comment, speakers may comment on matters related to District educational programs, business, and operations as provided for on the meeting agenda.
- Public comment will be limited to those individuals who are residents, employees, or parents of current students, or who own or lease property within the District.
The Board also approved several safety and security enhancements, including the following:
- Mr. Ted Wilson has been hired to serve as the Interim Safety & Security Coordinator (School Resource Officer) as recommended by the Security Advisory Committee. The Board approved a resolution for Mr. Wilson to carry a firearm on school grounds. Mr. Wilson is in the process of obtaining his armed guard license/registration card. To date, Mr. Wilson has not carried a firearm on any of our District campuses.
- Approval of a contract with Blackhawk Security & Investigations, Inc. to provide security for the district. They will primarily be providing external security at our schools by patrolling our campuses and consulting with school principals on security needs. Our current hall monitors will receive additional training as sentries and will be responsible for routine internal security at the schools. Blackhawk will also provide armed security for Board of Education meetings, at the District Office, and at District events.
- Residents attending Board of Education meetings will be required to pass through metal detectors and purses, bags, etc. will be checked. Items of concern will be disposed of, or the individual will be asked to take the item back to their vehicle. If an item raises a further concern or the individual refuses to comply, law enforcement will be contacted.
- If an individual disrupts a Board of Education meeting, they will be kindly asked to leave. Should they refuse to comply, law enforcement will be called to escort them out.
- We have received questions from the community and have begun compiling them into a FAQ document. This will be updated as needed.